Breeze 0’ WindBy Alexander KeyTwo hurricanes one human hit a Gulf Coast town.I NEVER seen nothing like that summer when I was fifteen. The Gulf was every kind of blue and greenand so alive with color it took your breath away and all through the long burning days there’d be greatmountains of clouds boiling up from the river swamps behind town and mov-ing seaward in snortingsqualls that often turned to water-spouts. Late in August the sea changed. It lay silky and still under theheat and there was something sort of hanging in the air that made you uneasy. Sounds carried a greatdis-tance and you could hear the put-putting of the shrimp trawlers clean out to the island passstingarees swarmed along shore and most any time you could watch sharks or tarpon chasing mullet rightup into the shallows near the house. Never did the oleanders bloom so heavy and never were the figs solarge and sweet. And you felt somehow that all of it was wrong. The days were like rich poison fruitturning ripe and they seemed to put a spell on everybody and everything. I remember it was three weeks since Id missed my trip with Matt on the Angelus my foot was aheap better and I was able to walk all right if I didnt step too hard. Mom was in the kitchen fryinggrouper and hush-puppies and I could hear her talking to her-self as she rolled the hush-puppy batterinto cones and dropped them into the hot grease with the fish. I knowed she was worrying about Fiddler. Somehow it didnt seem