BRIDGE. byJamesBlish. A SCREECHING tornado was rocking the Bridge when thealarm sounded; it was making the whole structure shudderand sway. This was normal and Robert Helmuth barelynoticed it. There was always a tornado shaking the Bridge. The whole planet was enswathed in tornadoes, and worse. The scanner on the foreman's board had given 114 as thesector of the trouble. That was at the northwestern end ofthe Bridge, where it broke off, leaving nothing but the ragingclouds of ammonia crystals and methane, and a sheer dropthirty miles to the invisible surface. There were no ultraphone"eyes" at that end which gave a general view of the areain so far as any general view was possiblebecause bothends of the Bridge were incomplete. With a sigh Helmuth put the beetle into motion. The littlecar, as flat-bottomed and thin through as a bed-bug, got slow-ly |
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