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[英文] 《The Ship Who Sang 》作者:- Anne McCaffrey【EPUB】

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发表于 2014-7-11 13:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Anne McCaffrey - Tsw 1 The Ship Who Sang to the memory of the Colonel, my father GEORGE HERBERT MCCAFFREY citizen soldier patriot for whom the ship first sang The Ship Who Sang She was born a thing and as such would be condemned if she failed to pass the encephalograph test required of all newborn babies. There was always the possibility that though the limbs were twisted, the mind was not, that though the ears would hear only dimly, the eyes see vaguely, the mind behind them was receptive and alert. The electro-encephalogram was entirely favorable, unexpectedly so, and the news was brought to the waiting, grieving parents. There was the final, harsh decision, to give their child euthanasia or permit it to become an encapsulated "brain," a guiding mechanism in any one of a number of curious professions. As such, their offspring would suffer no pain, live a comfortable existence in a metal shell for several centuries, performing unusual service to Central Worlds. She lived and was given a name, Helva. For her first 3 vegetable months she waved her crabbed claws, kicked weakly with her clubbed feet and enjoyed the usual routine of the infant. She was not alone, for there were three other such children in the big city's special nursery. Soon they all were removed


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